About Michel Cents

Michel Cents is a novelist from the Netherlands. In addition to writing, he teaches philosophy.

I love to write because within my imagination, I have absolute and unlimited power. I can create any reality or illusion I want. And for someone to take my book in their hands is one of the rarest distinctions that I can confer upon myself.

More about Michel


Being a writer as well a philosopher, Michel has a unique perspective on what a story ought to potray.

My goal is to have my readers look at reality with other eyes, a different perspective. I try to do that by combining my philosophical insights with my creative writing. To allow my readers the uncomfortable luxury of changing their minds. But I leave it up to my readers on what they consider the ultimate quintessence of our wisdom.


I believe my style is mostly marked by my wild and vivid imagination. I visualize every scene and try to take little to no shortcuts in mimicking it on paper, which I believe leads to an excruciating sense for detail and a rich expressiveness. I hope that it not only makes my readers believe the story, but feel it deep down too. I believe that a story should live and breathe, and honor true catharsis. Entice their senses! Purify their emotions!

Follow my journey

Follow Michel and his journey of turning the world upside down.